Raising awareness and understanding of the menopause has the potential to enhance women’s economic participation in the UK. There are now more women over 50 in
British workplaces than ever before, with one in three workers expected to be in menopause transition by 2020, making the issue even more pertinent.
Businesses who do not support female employees through the menopause cost the UK economy millions of pounds each year with the Government Equalities Office estimating
annual absence-related losses at around £7.3m.
TUC statistics show that:
- Women between 45 and 54 report higher levels of workplace stress and anxiety
- Yet over 70% of women feel unable to discuss their symptoms or ask for adjustments
- But 75% said it would help if their manager was more aware of the issue
The 2014 Nuffield Health Survey reported that:
- 72% of women feel unsupported at work
- 1 in 5 say that menopause symptoms have a detrimental effect on their work
- 1 in 10 seriously considered giving up work because of their symptoms
With ambitious boardroom diversity and gender pay gap deadlines to meet, employers need to take the issue seriously.
This half-day workshop helps remove the taboo of talking about the menopause, explaining the different changes that happen to women and supporting them to continue
contributing to the organisation in a mutually beneficial way.
- To increase understanding of the menopause for line managers and HR professionals, and the impact it has for individuals and organisations.
- To explore potential steps that organisations can take to incorporate support for women experiencing the menopause.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this programme, you will be able to:
- Identify a range of symptoms that can be experienced during menopause transition
- Identify the effects that menopause transition might potentially have on women’s lives and careers
- Consider steps that can be taken and mechanisms that can be put in place to help your employees work through the menopause
- Identify ways to start to eradicate the taboo and stigma surrounding menopause in your organisation
- Appreciate how covering menopause in policies and procedures can assist when claims of harassment and discrimination are made.
Workshop Content:
- Establishing current levels of knowledge around menopause
- Why there is a taboo around menopause
- The impact of menopause on women’s lives and careers
- The legal position
- What this means for Line Managers and HR professionals
- What support you will need.