System Leadership
An Introduction to System Leadership
Outline of South East Training's programme 'An Introduction to System Leadership' on this site.
System Leadership
An excellent paper on system leadership by Senge, Hamilton and Kania from the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2015.
Illustration by Paul Rodgers
System Leadership
The first of a series of videos created by South East Training to explain System Leadership and Systems Thinking.
System Leadership
A very useful document from the King's Fund addressing system leadership in the integrated care environment entitled, 'System Leadership: Lessons and learning from AQuA's Integrated Care Discovery Communities'
Systems Thinking
An Introduction to Systems Thinking
Video of Peter Senge, author of 'The Fifth Discipline', talking about Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking
A chapter from The Saylor Foundation's textbook 'Focusing on Organisational Change'.
Systems Thinking
WHO document, 'Systems Thinking for Health Service Strengthening' including the very useful section, 'Ten Steps to Systems Thinking'
Systems Thinking
Excellent TED Talk by Tom Wujec: "Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast", demonstrating the power of collaboration in developing system maps.
System Leadership
How to Work with Wicked Problems
An animated video exploring the difficulties of working with wicked problems and how we need to find different ways of working with them.