The ‘Change’ or ‘Menopause’ is a natural event, but for many women it represents a time of hormonal upheaval and a wide range of symptoms. For the majority of women, it occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 and lasts between 4 and 8 years. Around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before the age of 40. For some, the journey through it may feel a bit rocky or, like riding on a roller coaster.
Even though all women experience the menopause at some time in their lives, each in their own unique way, talking about the menopause is still taboo in many working environments.
Experiencing the menopause can potentially impact on how women are perceived by those around them and on their own self-perception and confidence. This, in turn, may affect their careers.
The programme aims to take the taboo out of the menopause, explaining the changes that are occurring and introducing steps that can be taken to make life easier during this time with clear and sensible information about recognising symptoms, where to get support and staying positive.
The aims of the programme are:
Learning Objectives
On completion of this programme, you will be able to:
Workshop Content: