Overview It is likely that any unit of work undertaken in a modern business environment is part of a much larger sequence of activities that we can describe as a business process. The ‘well-being’ of these processes is fundamental to meeting the needs of our customers, while retaining a sustainable business.
The problem within most organisations is that their business processes have evolved, often in an unplanned way, to meet the ever-changing demands of the marketplace, customers and other stakeholders. Over time, with constant minor changes, they become inefficient, ineffective and uneconomic to operate. Ongoing review and management of both the process architecture and the individual processes is therefore essential if our business processes are going to continue to serve our needs and those of our customers.
BPM is a strategy that recognises that change cannot be managed as a series of discrete short-term projects but instead requires continuous attention and that, at the heart of that effort, lies a concern for ensuring the essential core processes driving the business remain fit for purpose.
Aims This course provides participants with a systematic approach to business process management from defining organisational structures for ensuring business processes continue to meet the organisation’s requirements through to managing individual improvement projects. |
Learning Objectives
By the end of the programme, you will be able to:
Workshop Content Business Process Management
What is a Business Process?
Business Process Improvement
Mapping the Process
Collecting Data
Collating and Analysing Data
Selecting Options for Change
Gaining Approval for your Plan