Group Session
Group Session
South East Training
South East Training

Handling Conflict for Managers

This one-day course explores workplace conflict and how to manage it effectively. We use actors to provide you with the opportunity to practise conflict handling techniques in a safe environment.

Available as a series of virtual events, delivered via Zoom or MS Teams


When conflict arises in the workplace, team effectiveness, morale, productivity and job satisfaction suffer. Managers can spend a significant amount of their valuable time being drawn into disputes and situations of conflict, ranging from subtle underlying tensions, to consistently disruptive or aggressive behaviour. If ignored or mismanaged, the situation can soon escalate; sickness and stress-related absences increase, motivation drops and productivity falls. Unresolved conflict can also escalate in to formal employee grievances and disputes. When this happens, it can be much more difficult for parties to find constructive solutions.

This programme is aimed at providing participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to tackle conflict situations effectively, so avoiding escalation and achieving better, lasting outcomes.


The aims of this programme are to provide participants with an understanding of:

  • The types and causes of conflict in organisations and how task/process conflicts can escalate into relational conflicts
  • The different conflict handling modes, their appropriateness in different situations and participants’ natural preferences for managing conflict
  • The skills and confidence necessary to handle conflict effectively to prevent escalation in both individual and team settings

Learning Objectives

By the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • Explain why conflict arises and describe the types of conflict you may encounter in the workplace
  • Describe the impact conflict can have on team and individual performance
  • Identify the early signs of conflict
  • Explain your responsibility for identifying and resolving conflict
  • Describe the different conflict-handling modes and identify your preferred conflict-handling style
  • Describe some of the necessary skills for handling conflict effectively
  • Explain when it is appropriate to use mediation and advice services
  • Manage conflict situation using appropriate techniques
  • Take steps towards improving your competence in conflict handling
  • Feel confident in tackling, handling and resolving conflict in the workplace.

Pre-Workshop Content

This consists of three elements:

  • An assignment covering:
    • A definition of conflict
    • Relevant disciplinary and grievance procedures (as required by the organisation)
    • A conflict case study
  • Completion of the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
  • Identifying and describing a conflict issue at work that can be used for the practical session with the actor during the workshop.

Workshop Content

  • Case Study Exercise, including Conflict Handling Styles
  • Conflict - Types, Causes and Impacts
  • A Manager’s Rights and Responsibilities
  • Actors’ Theatre Forum
  • Managing Conflict
  • Preparation for Practical Sessions
  • Practical Sessions
  • Review and Action Planning

Post Workshop Content

Completion of two CIPD questionnaires allowing participants the opportunity to assess how they currently handle conflict, and to reflect on their management style and the extent to which that might be the cause of conflict.

Handling Conflict for Managers
SET - Handling Conflict for Managers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [153.0 KB]

We are located at:

South East Training

Dyke Road




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+44 01273 555567 +44 01273 555567


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